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Az én kis igazam | My little truth | Moja mała prawda It is said that every individual has his own truth. Each person could present it in another way, using different colours or shapes. Here we see how the artist’s truth looks to the artist herself.

Adj erőt! | Give me power!

Adj erőt! | Give me power! | Daj mi siłę!

Tünemény | Phenomenal | Fenomen A tale of the relationship between animals and people –how it is often an animal that becomes a person’s best friend, a friend with which to share sadness and joy, as well as a companion in play and frolics.


Halak | Fishes | Ryby

Hívás | Calling | Wołanie

Hívás | Calling | Wołanie Death of a dog then friend.

Monda | Fable | Opowieść

Monda | Fable | Opowieść On the closeness between a person and an animal. On the direct understanding between those beings, and their complementarity in the revolving circles of life. On how an animal can contain the dreaming soul of a human being. On the link with reincarnation.

Rendben | Alright | W porządku About a women. About a woman perceived as if she led a life full of wonderful experiences. About her subtlety, delicacy and beauty, and about what is hidden beneath the cover. On the surface everything seems to be all right. Unfortunately, she is hiding her real feelings inside her, concealing her problems. What we feel and do not show collects inside us, bottled up. Those repressed feelings are what give us that knot in our stomach.

Ki ki a magaét | Each one choose | Mamy wybór A person essentially consists of several personalities. Each of them can appear in a different situation. We maintain them with the help of masks which we put on according to the situation.

Keringés | Cycle | Cykl On the life-giving power of the achievement of inspiration. The achievement of our ideas and dreams makes it possible for our actions to become an inspiration toothers. That circular process calls to mind the life-giving power of rain in nature. Rain falling from the sky gives plants life-giving water. In exchange they give back beautiful flowers and purify the air. The process of mutual inspiration is ceaselessly before our eyes.

Boldog ló | Sunny horse | Szczęśliwy koń

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