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Megszépítés | Koloryzować On how so much changes. Times change, as do principles and laws, yet many things still look the same. Certain features of a culture remain unchanged. Women in burkas, chadors, hijabsor, nikabscan certainly allow themselves greater freedom in some aspects of life, but they are still obliged to wear clothing that hides their whole body.

Vízió | Vision | Wyobrażenie Daily life can be monotonous, sometimes boring, but it takes on colours thanks to our dreams. Having dreams helps us endure, aim at something. Dreams raise us above the greyness of daily life. The figure is symbolically lifted and penetrated by a balloon of dreams.

Hiány 2x | Lack 2x | Brak 2x The problem with modern motherhood is the conflict between devoting oneself to bringing up a child and the wish to have time for one’s own affairs, the fear of losing a professional career. A human being is constituted in such a way that something will always be missing. When a woman becomes a mother, she feels the lack of time for herself. When she has free time, she misses the extraordinary experiences involved in motherhood..

Hely | Place | Miejsce We live constantly between the world of dreams and that of mundane affairs. We are caught between heaven and earth. It is hard to keep our balance in this constant existence in two opposing worlds. What matters is keeping your balance, balancing all the elements so as to keep your balance.

Jövő | Future | Pryzsyłość The present is a subjective concept for each of us. Every ‘yesterday’ has an individual meaning, since each person experienced ‘yesterday’ in a different way. The future begins here and now, but only the here and now is true and certain.

Világos | Paragon | Archetyp A work inspired by a photograph of a child in which the mother was completed obscured while the child remained visible. The mother–universe bears a child who becomes a new component of the universe. The child remains a secret – we don’t know what it will become, what kind of person it will be, or what it will achieve.

Könnyű | Easy | Łatwy A tale of understanding between a human being and an animal belonging to that person. How two such seemingly different natures interpenetrate, giving rise to a complete symbiosis of understanding.

Veletek vagyok | I`m with you

I`m with you A work inspired by the age-old question: Who are we, where do we come from, where are we going? Many artists have tried to answer that question, but it remains unanswered, The miracle of conception and childbirth is hard to grasp. We understand it in biological terms. It’s been explained. We know the processes, equations and reactions, but it’s still too difficult for us to comprehend and imagine. This picture shows dependence and the relationship between mother and child, as well


Source | Forrás Children inherit from their mothers: biologically – blood; emotionally – feelings. A mother strives to give her children the best of herself: all her good characteristics and her system of values. Despite everything, children remain individual, independent beings.

Az ember aki látja | Able to see

Az ember aki látja | Able to see | Świadomy Life is a continuous fall. We fly downwards to an unknown destination, but nevertheless feel secure in the absence of any visible threat. The unpredictability of life is an inspiration, thanks to which everything is always changing.

Szenvedély | Passion | Namiętność If you live in accord with yourself and realise your passions, you begin to live through passion, and passion becomes your life. It penetrates you. Thanks to that, we fulfil ourselves day-to-day.

Időben | In time | Podczas Dust is experience. It falls from nowhere and settles on us as experience. The more there is of it, the more we shine with the wisdom of age and the quantity of moments we have lived through.

Felső | Over | Ponad Shattered dreams. Lost passion. Heavy, grey, oppressive reality. In life much can be lost, but one thing always remains – hope. The dreams were not achieved, the plans were thwarted by the daily grind and problems, but the colour we see on the figure is proof that there is always hope, which is a basic component of human existence.

Űr | Cosmos | Wszechświat Animals and children are often said to be much closer to the universe. They perceive it directly, without superfluous intricacies. For that reason they see its true nature. Becoming the owner of an animal is like entering into possession of a piece of the cosmos. We draw nearer to it.

Messzire | Far away | Daleko stąd You may try to escape to another world in search of a complete change that, unfortunately, is not entirely possible. The baggage of experience is an inseparable part of every human being and determines who we are. Inside the figure’s head we see many positive stimuli, which give it strength and enable it to carry past experiences along with it. In this work, the baggage of experience is depicted as a suitcase on wheels, which makes it easier to transport.

Ok nélkül | For no reason | Bez powodu We have all known moments when a thought came to us ‘out of the blue’. Just entered our heads. We are full of such thoughts. Many of the thoughts, ideas, that crop up suddenly, uncontrolled, chaotically, can overwhelm us. In an explosion of inspiration. After all, we can’t switch off our thoughts and think of nothing.

Lehet | Might | Możliwości

Testén | On the body | Uniform On hidden feelings. On the fact that, even when you are hiding a great secret about yourself from the world, you can remain full of passion. On someone who cannot show their real feelings, feel fully free, because the culture disapproves. It is these dependencies that can cause someone to be misjudged.

Befolyás | Inflow | Przenikanie What kind of people surround us directly influences who we are. And we ourselves exert similar influence on the people we live among. Thanks to that, different personalities interpenetrate, and we are able to draw on one another’s experience and exchange inspiration.

Mégis | After all | Mimo wszystko

Tisztul | Clarify | Oczyszczenie Each of us needs a way of coping with problems. It’s highly individual. Some people need quiet, others noise, and yet others intense physical effort or rest. We all have our own way of coping.

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